My 1st Real Attempts at Nail Art...

When I first started my blog, I said that I was not big on nail art, but over time my tastes have changed. I am slowing getting into dots and stripes. It's not like I never liked nail art. Years ago when I used to get my nails professionally done, I would get nail art, especially drag art, but as my career progressed, I sort of turned away from the extremes. Now at most, I do an accent nail. Now that I am doing my nails myself, I am starting to experiment with some nail art, but still nothing too extreme. When I first starting blogging, I came across several fellow bloggers, who excel in nail art and make it look so easy. Note to all, looks can be deceiving. It ain't so easy, LOL! But thanks to the following bloggers for their dedication and inspiration:
Now, on to some of my first attempts.

Here is my version of Another Bottle of Polish's Dot art. Again, I am doing just an accent nail.

Another picture of some nail art I came across was on Become  I thought that it looks do-able.
Showing slightly blurred, to better show the holo glitter.
One other blogger whose work I have admired is Colette of My Simple Little Pleasures.  While, I have yet to try the water marble, she has a drag art video that I have liked for quite some time. My Simple Little Pleasures (Video).  This is going to be one I need to practice more, LOL! Since it didn't work, I layered it with China Glaze Electric Lilac.

Polishes used...
Next, I need to get my hands on a few gems, decals and rhinestones, LOL!!!

Note: please excuse the dry cuticles, it happens with swatching. I have now moisturized and they are back to normal.

Remember, treat your nails as jewels, not tools.  Grace, Peace, and Blessings.


  1. hey that looks really good. i'm going to try this too. i'm jealous. i drink too much coffee to do this consistently well.

  2. What a flagship post into nail art!!! You have awesome skills! I'm envious. :)

  3. Yaaay! Soon you won't feel like a mani is complete without adding a little something, lol! With the attempted drag marble - all coats need to still be wet in the area you're dragging through for it to work.

  4. I love the one with the dots! I'm a dots girl myself, cause I'm 1)not very creative when it comes to designes and 2)I suck at nail art! lol!!


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