Come on now! You know when I saw Amanda's post of ItIsAmandaaa of her Top 6
Blue Nail Polishes for Summer, I had to chime in. Amanda did a collaboration
with Cali of ThreeSixtyNails. I will link their posts below.
If you have followed me for more than 10 minutes you already know I LOVE
blue nail polishes! Just as Amanda said in her video, I often have people
tag me on blue polish posts and I love them!
While this is supposed to be my top 6 blue polishes I could have easily
taken it to my top 100. Again, I love blue polishes! I remember the very
first blue polish I ever purchased, Sally Girl Mean Streak. But I digress.
Back to the reason for this post. I am drawn to mid-tone blues for Summer,
cobalt, bright, holo, they all speak my truth.