I'm wearing Gray for Diabetes Awareness...

October well known as Breast Cancer Awareness month and receives tremendous support and although I've been blessed enough not to have had any of my immediate family or friends impacted, I, also show my support. But November is Diabetes Awareness Month and this hits very close to home.

It is estimated that Diabetes affects 25.8 million people of all ages, that’s 8.3 % of the U.S. Population. It is the leading cause of kidney failure, new cases of blindness among adults, non-traumatic amputations, a major cause of heart disease and stroke. Diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. (U.S. Dept of HHS)

Chances are you or someone you love will be or has been touched by this disease, but it does not have to be a death sentence. November is American Diabetes Month. So to honor the memory of my Father, and to support my dear friends affected by Diabetes, I ask that you to support the American Diabetes Associate Raise Your Hand to Stop Diabetes Campaign.

Are you concerned about your risk or the risk of a loved-one?  The American Diabetes Association's website has tons of information including a risk test.  If you are concerned please visit, www.diabetes.org and if you want to take the quick online risk test, Click Here.

One way I am showing my support, in lieu of a gray ribbon, is to wear gray nail polish. Today's manicure consists of Orly Decoded, and accented with Nina Pro Shooting Star, and FingerPaints Colorful Collage.

Won't you please join me and show your support for Diabetes Awareness.  Also, if you haven't already, visit the American Diabetes Associate website and take the risk test...It free and painless and could save a life.

Grace, Peace, and Blessings.

* FTC: These products were bought with my own money. These are my honest opinions. I am not employed by nor was I paid by any of these companies. This is not a sponsored post.

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  1. This cause is important to me too. Thanks for bringing awareness to it through your blog and your talent. I think your manicure is gorgeous!

  2. Thank you. The cause does need to receive more attention...we need to find a cure. Grace, Peace, and Blessings.

  3. Thanks. Yes, it is an important cause.


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