Last week I started sharing with you some of the Sinful Colors glitters I purchased from the new Diamond Lust collection along with complementary bases. I am still surprised just how much I have been drawn to glitters lately.
Today, I have another combination to share. When I first saw the Sinful Colors Diamond Lust display, the very first polish I was drawn to was a gorgeous golden copper glitter named I Dream In Jewels. This clear base has a mixture of gold and red micro glitters along with holographic diamond shaped glitter.
As I explained previously, the Sinful Colors Diamond Lust collection consists of clear bases with colorful and holographic glitters. There are multiple sized and shaped glitters, including micro, diamond, bar, dot and hexagonal.
I decided to layer Sinful Colors I Dream In Jewels over another of my untrieds. I decided on Pure Ice Over The Top. This was one of the limited edition polishes Pure Ice released as part of their Runway Collection last Fall. Over The Top was part of the Velour Finish Collection. It dries to a gorgeous matte suede finish. I love this shade and finish against my skin tone. I own a couple others and need to see if I can find the others from this collection. The application was simple with no issues. As pictured, this is 2 coats.

So to my Pure Ice Over The Top manicure, I layered Sinful Colors I Dream In Jewels. I am loving this combination and can't wait to match it with other shades in my stash. It almost has a mannequin look but with a little bling.
The glitter bug has really bitten me. I have been buying glitter polishes like crazy lately. What are some of your favorite glitter polishes?
Grace, Peace, & Blessings.
* FTC: These products were bought with my own money. These are my honest opinions. I am not employed by nor was I paid by any of these companies. This is not a sponsored post.